Mood: Ready for action!
Song of the Day: Promiscuous, Nelly Furtado
So, we pull up in Denmark, in DENMARK I tell you! And, what? No crowds to applaud our arrival. We dare say, we're not in Winchester anymore...
Anyway, we saw Hamlet, yes...Hamlet. That sorry bag of apples. We tell you, he's NOTHING like he was a few years ago..poor wretch. Last time we saw him...let's just say a monogamous relationship was OUT of the question. *Laughs* Time passes so inadvertently....
Well, we DID attempt to foreword our quest into the apparent abyss of dear Hamlet, but...failed. Damn him and his knowledge of crafty erm, mind...capturing...thoughts............power. Indeed.
Perhaps we'll try again later...
P.S. Hamlet's just a WEE-bit strange in the head since we last saw him...:/
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